Categories: Economie

The Jay-Z and Beyonce of Hair and Makeup Welcome Baby Number Two

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Perhaps no date on the calendar awakens the fairy tale princess (or bridezilla) in any girl than her own wedding. Afterall, how often do you get a chance to be the center of your own storybook ending. On a day when nothing short of “perfection” will do, when no detail is too small, and nothing “good” is ever good enough, every detail matters. For the bride-to-be, this inevitably includes her hair and makeup.


Those with uncompromising expectations (and limitless budgets) turn to the very best. Enter, the reigning King and Queen of cosmetics and hair styling- Jimmytre and Tyiesha Museau. The husband- and- wife dynamic duo behind the famed “Hair Chemistry” and Chem Beauty” brands have built an empire of creative transformation for brides and their parties on their most important day with a forward, yet classic approach to glamour that is sure to impress even the most discerning of tastes.


The in-demand couple, who spend much of their time jetsetting nationally and internationally to meet the insatiable demands of their clients recently sat down for an exclusive interview with Verbal. “We’ve seen it all”, says Tyiesha, “but despite the obstacles, we remain committed to our brides”


As demand for their services have grown, so has the challenge of managing their busy schedules.

“Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. There are highs and lows financially, mentally, and physically” the couple shared.


While most would find working with their mates insufferable, the committed couple have found ways to make it work.

“It’s not for everyone, says Tyiesha, “You have to set up a system that works for both of you.

If you happen to be one of their more than one hundred followers on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed by now, that they have made quite an announcement of their own. In addition to thousand- dollar hand- bags, Tyiesha Museau has been sporting a new baby bump (wearing both extremely well, we might add). Recently, the happy couple took to Instagram to share pics and video clips of their otherwise private baby shower with the adoring public.


“We are married business partners”, Jimmytre says, “but most importantly, we are best friends and I’m happy to be married and working alongside my best friend.”

The Miami natives turned celebrity stylists, who prefer to spend most of their private time away from the glitz and glam with their now 2- year- old daughter, Malia, are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their second child, a welcomed addition and a product of their own Chemistry.


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